
MAKING OUR *OP* GOD PICKAXE!!! + OPENING X10 ADMIN CRATES! | EnchantedMC (Minecraft Prisons) #1

MAKING OUR *OP* GOD PICKAXE!!! + OPENING X10 ADMIN CRATES! | EnchantedMC (Minecraft Prisons) #1

HEY GUYS! in this episode we make our op pickaxe and open a bunch of crates ect hopefully you all enjoy and come hop on the server i am promoting this video!

Discord : discord.gg/enchantedmc

IP: sean.enchantedmc.net

store : store.enchantedmc.net

Releasing THIS Saturday (tomorrow) 3pm EST!



no hate to any facs in the video and ggs pretty old fight sagepvp.org Music is for entertainment purposes only!…